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6 Benefits Of Boxing

With so many different ways to exercise and lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, you should not be constantly bored with working out. This is where boxing has come in to take over a lot of the fitness world. With many celebs and people looking for a place where they can have a good time while getting fit have finally found their groove in boxing. Not only is boxing a fun fitness class that will help you lose weight and build muscle but it will also help you reduce stress and find that badass that we all have inside.

Based on required athletic skills, boxing is one of the toughest sports according to the ESPN Degree of Difficulty Project. Now, before you run away from this post because you’re not the most athletically skilled, neither was I when I joined my first boxing class. One of the things that makes boxing as a fitness activity so great is that it allows the average person to build their strength, speed, endurance, hand-eye coordination, and power, just to name a few attributes.

Whether you are a fitness newbie, have tried to workout regularly but don’t find anything that keeps you motivated, or are just looking for a fun, new way to lead a healthier lifestyle, I got you covered with the six benefits of boxing I most appreciate.


When we start looking for a gym to join or a new type of class, chances are we are trying to lose weight… fast! Weight-loss is one of the quickest results you will get out of boxing. Your body is in constant motion, exercising body parts you might not really have put to work before and with each day consisting of a different exercise routine (at least this is the case at Sweatbox Brooklyn) your body never truly know what to expect and is consistently working and shedding fat.


When I started my weight loss journey, at 19 years old, I just wanted to lose weight. I had no idea what I was doing so I would walk into the gym and head straight to the cardio machines. This meant at least an hour between the treadmill, stair master and elliptical. I would end my workout with 5-10 minutes of abs and call it a day. This was my gym routine every time I stepped into the gym. Of course I lost weight. I lost almost 30 pounds in about 3 months! Yes, I was very overweight at a young age.

After that I continued to lose weight at a more steady rate but I looked flat. I had absolutely no muscle definition, which is essential to having a nice physique. It wasn’t until I finally discovered weight lifting and boxing that I realized how much I could actually transform my body with exercise! More women have started finally understanding the importance of muscle to have that defined “toned” look and boxing will help you do just that. Shed pounds while adding muscle.


Knowing that you can defend yourself if you find yourself in a dangerous situation is so reassuring. Truth is a lot of people don’t even know how to throw a proper punch. I have never been in any sort of physical altercation but the fact that if I would know how to at least defend myself if I ever found myself in that situation makes me feel much more confident. That leads me to the next benefit.


Not many ways that are more helpful to getting rid of stress or letting it all out after a bad day, than punching some heavy bags as hard as you can. There has never been a day where I have walked into a boxing class and not walked out in a better mood. Studies have actually shown that boxing reduces depression and anxiety while inducing tranquility.


Boxing doesn’t only boost your confidence because you now have self-defense skills under your belt but it also raises your personal confidence. I don’t know what it is about the boxing world but great boxing gyms are known for creating a sense of unity where you all become part of a family. Boxing not only helps you come out of your shell and be you more confidently but it also brings out your inner badass to give you that extra push.


Boxing gyms like Sweatbox Brooklyn that focus not only on the sweet science of the sport but also on boxing as a fitness class, know the importance of total body strength to get the full benefits out of boxing. Between conditioning days which are my favorite for full-body workouts to mitt work, body-work and even sparring (once you get to that level), boxing helps you increase your total body strength. Squats, push-up, planks, burpees, jump-rope and weighted medicine ball exercises are just a few of the components in a total body boxing circuit. So when I tell you that you will be working out your complete body, believe it.

Boxing is one of the most effective ways to get in shape, maintain your physical health and have lots of fun while doing so! If you are in New York and want to check out what boxing is all about for yourself, head on over to Sweatbox Brooklyn where first class is always free! If you are not near one of the Sweatbox locations, then look up a boxing gym near you and head on over to see what you have been missing out on.

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